

There really is tremendous value in simply sitting with your child and listening with all of your heart. Think about it: How valued do you feel when someone takes the time to stop what they are doing to totally concentrate on you? It is a tremendous, albeit rare, experience. 

When we do this with our children, we do two amazing things at once. First, we infuse him with a sense of value that only we can impart. Secondly, we get to reacquaint ourselves with the magic that childhood holds.

Sounds easy enough, right? The difficulty lies in the doing. Often, we are so anxious to teach our kids right from wrong we miss the chance to help them develop something just as important: problem solving skills. 

By simply listening to your child without looking to teach or fix, you are teaching him that he is worthy of something valuable and you are telling him that you think he is capable of solving his own problems. Best of all, you are teaching him that you are a safe place to come in calm or in storm.

Don’t feel that you must advise or help your child come up with a solution all the time. The value of listening is in the listening itself.(Kimberly Keith)

Peace begins with a pause,
