

I would be the most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.(Anna Quindlen)

Jenny here – Obviously, Hal and I agree with Ms. Quindlen on this one. We are both learners at heart and love to surround ourselves with books. Although our tastes and reading styles differ dramatically, we share this commonality. And we want our kids to as well. 

We want our kids to be filled with curiosity and wonder long after their “wonder years” are gone. We want them to be interested in life. In people. In ideas. Books nurture those things better than almost anything else.

If we can raise kids who turn to books when they want to relax instead of chat rooms or video games, we will have done something really special. That will take a good amount of effort. 

It will mean turning off technology and suffering through the initial whining complaints of the children, but we firmly believe that the rewards will far outweigh the costs.

Peace begins with a pause,
