

Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.”  (Anne Frank)

We cradle our newborn children in our hands. With our hands we bathe them, feed them, and rock them to sleep at night. Our hands guide them as they navigate first steps and learning to ride a bike.

We hold other things — intangible things — in our hands as well. We help shape their personalities, their sense of well-being, their understanding of the world. Given all the things we hold in our hands, it’s understandable why we might feel like we’re our child’s sculptor, responsible for molding everything about them. But hold on there a minute, Michelangelo!  

A parent can illuminate paths for a child, but — ultimately — a person’s character is their own to create. Our children must be free to choose their own behavior and emotions. Parents who assume responsibility for everything about their children end up doing terrible damage to everyone involved. Your child’s character is ultimately not in your hands but in theirs — and the only control you really have within your grasp is the ability to point them in the right directions.

Peace begins with a pause,
