

Lots of us dreamed of getting married — visions of white dresses, tuxedoes and smiling in-laws danced in our pre-marital heads. And then we woke to discover that once upon a time doesn’t always lead to happily ever after. Reality threatens to burn our dreamhouse down.

So, what shall we do? Stay single forever?

Unsuccessful couples try to avoid the fires of marriage, but thriving couples learn to face those fires, embrace the heat, and grow closer because of them.

You can’t have the heat you want without a little friction, and — believe it or not — that can actually lead to greater intimacy. You’ve seen the movies. A couple begins to argue back and forth getting closer and closer, the tension is mounting and suddenly they kiss passionately. It’s as if the sparks from the friction created by a quarrel instantly burst into flame!

In real life, it probably won’t happen quite like that, but the intimacy you desire is found when you come closer both physically and emotionally to confront the fires of marriage. Who knows? You might actually find out that what starts out as getting rubbed the wrong way eventually turns into the kind of rubbing you like.

Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures.(Samuel Johnson)

Peace begins with a pause,
