

Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.(Lady Bird Johnson) 

Children take your opinion of them as concrete truth. They will develop their self-worth in large part from the things you believe about them. That can be great news. It can also be dangerous because often what we think we believe about our children doesn’t match up with our actions towards them.

I think all of us would say we believe our children are bright and capable. But how many of us hover over them when they do their chores or homework? When we do this, we are communicating that they can’t do the work well enough or we think they are devious enough to not finish the job. 

Now for the great news. If you can keep the first lady’s truth in mind and treat your children with a healthy balance of care and respect, they will grow up treating themselves and others that way as well. Then, in effect, you’ve made the world a more beautiful place, and that’s something that would make Lady Bird very proud.

Peace begins with a pause,
