

After yesterday’s confession, I enjoyed hearing from so many of you. Apparently, I’m not the only one who struggled to “stay cool” at the airport this holiday season. Or in the car. Or on the bus between the airport and the car.

Yep, some of you were right there with me, and let me know you found my honesty helpful. Still others of you wrote in to share your concern that I was being a little too hard on myself for one minor blowup. And you guys are both right–we all need both honesty and grace with ourselves to do this adulthood-thing well.

And we all need each other. As I read your replies, I was really glad to know one thing–we’re all in this thing together.

Which brings me to another confession: I’m not very good at this blogging/social media/audience interaction stuff. I’m definitely not good at intentionally “growing a movement,” or “building a platform.” Truth be told, all that makes me a little nervous, and stirs up some baseline insecurities I’ve been carrying around seemingly forever.  

Thankfully, however, it’s not about me. It’s about us. If ScreamFree is really an “idea whose time has come,” as I put it yesterday, then it’s an idea that invites all of us to include, challenge, and encourage one another.

That’s the idea behind our new website, coming next week, along with our new social media initiatives, and, sometime soon, our new ScreamFree app. Striving to be ScreamFree, learning to calmly handle any moment in the moment, is such a challenging calling, we’ve got to be able to connect with each other easily and often. And that’s our goal for 2016.

I ask for your patience as we put this all together. In the meantime, just reply to this email and lemme know your ideas on how to help us all stay cool.

Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.(Margaret Mead)

Peace begins with a pause,
